Monday, August 24, 2009

the headache

I've been single for 5 months.
I've been living in midtown for 1 month.
I've been out every weekend, and some weekdays, for at least 5 weeks.
And today I have a headache.

Over the past couple months I have perfected my social strategy. Go out early for happy hours, scope the scene, start finding out what everyone else is doing later that night. Check special events. Check with special people. Keep the drinks simple- beer, champagne, red wine- so that the energy stays up for later in the evening. Once you have plans for the night, stay aloof. Don't show up early. Have a drink in hand but keep it there- don't run out before another one is lined up, and keep a count. Always keep 10$ in your clutch for the cab ride home. Don't go home with anyone you don't want to go home with. Stay with your friends, but smile at everyone else. Especially the ones who are well dressed. Most importantly, don't take shots of anything but tequila. Trust that one. The next morning you'll thank me.

I know this drill! I've refined my knowledge and learned from the best. Now I'm on to learning the people, the important players, the important stuff about owning the city once the lights get twinkly. So why is it that I have had a horrible headache since 2am this morning? Because my body, tired as it may be every single day of the week, was confused. Confused as to why I was sleeping at 8pm and not getting into the shower and thinking about what to wear. Confused about why I was ignoring texts due to fatigue rather than due to inconvenience. Confused! I spent one night going to sleep early and I literally confused my body into a horrendous 20 hour headache.

And this headache is exactly why I need to go out tomorrow night.
Exactly why this caterpillar will eventually turn into that damn butterfly.
Welcome to my cocoon. Watch me grow.

1 comment:

  1. Let's see this little social science experiement come to wings!
