Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Battle of the... DJs

Tuesday nights are probably good nights for some establishment in the downtown area, but the Powerhouse in Folsom has owned Tuesday's younger crowd ever since I can remember. I spent my 21st birthday there a few years ago, and Tuesday's have been their night long before and ever since. Usually DJ Rigatony runs the music on Tuesday, but tonight the Powerhouse hosted the DJ All Stars Battle. In a non-official report, I'll tell all.
Powerhouse only charges a 5$ cover, but the line out the door stretches at least 50 people at any time after 10:15pm. Guest lists, however, are easy to find and extremely easy to get onto. Having accessed one of these lists and arrived prior to 10:15, my friend and I find it easy to get inside the sticky dive-bar themed club. (Dive bar themed club. I know. But its true and I wouldn't lie.) There are already DJ battles underway. We find DJ Rigatony in the private upstairs area, judging the DJ battles. A shame, because this guy can spin harder than I can dance with 4 RedBulls in me, but these DJs aren't half bad themselves. B and I decide to give them each a chance and head to the dance floor.
The bar at Powerhouse (or Scarletts, if you are on the back patio) does a great Long Island, and they pour beer like a good bar should. Avoid the 'Adios Motherf*cker', no matter what the 21 year old next to you recommends. It is a lethal mix of sugar, booze, and disgusting that no grown person should willingly subject themself to. Trust.
I hate to admit this, but the DJs begin to blur into one another. I cannot tell the real personality behind each DJ, and I stop paying attention to the battle. My apologies to the DJs, but isn't it more important that I never stopped enjoying myself? I think that is the real accomplishment here. Nevermind the prize money.
I'll post an update with the winners soon- I don't want to misspell their names and I want to be able to give their upcoming events. If they were good enough to win Tony's vote, I think they deserve some low-key press from 'lil 'ol me.
In all honesty, as young as the crowd was at Powerhouse I still had a great night. I saw old friends, met some new ones, and found time in between to enjoy a beer and an hour of dancing it off.

One warning for the ladies: Beware the grabby hands. They like your ass, and they aren't afraid to tell you. They also aren't good with words.

Powerhouse, Tuesday night: 4/5. A good night is almost guaranteed.
But please don't quote me.

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